I have never related to a writing topic as much as this one. I find it coincidental that I am a few days behind on having this blog post up and ready to go, according to the deadline I gave myself. There are no off days for me, and those of you who also work and attend school simultaneously. My job sees me 36-40 hours Thursday-Sunday, while my course books and computer screen has my attention everyday of the week. I do manage to get six to eight hours of sleep in each night though. That is essential for me. This is possible, because I try my best to create a schedule to alleviate any cracks that the procrastination monster could crawl through. It also helps that my job has its slow moments and during that time I tackle any homework and studying that I am able to.
If you are finding it a little difficult to juggle work and school, here is my advice to you.

During your time off from work, figure out the hours of the day where you are most productive. Some people are most productive in the mornings, while others have their green light on at night. Whichever your productivity preference is, arrange to complete your homework assignments during that time. For example, if you are more of a morning person like I am, try to be awake and ready to do work by 9:30 a.m. on the days you are not at your job. Plan to do your assignments for about 3 hours with a 5 minute break every 45 minutes. Depending on how fast you work and the number of assignments you decide to do, you'll be finished by, 1 p.m. That still leaves you with time to do something for yourself! You can also squeeze in a little studying through out the day by keeping note cards in your purse or bag to review during your commute to work or any place else (if you take Uber, Lyft, or any form of public transportation).

I know many of us students are involved in organizations that require a great deal of time and commitment, and it doesn't take much to mistakenly forget a task you offered or were assigned to do. To help you stay on top of your game, make time each week to review your position in your org (s) and the tasks you must complete. It is recommended to write down your assignments for your classes and org (s) in a planner. In doing so, you will be less likely to forget a task because it is written where you can see it. After you list all of your school and organizational assignments in your planner, write down which ones you will complete each day to better prepare you for the upcoming week (s).
Essentially, managing your time in between work and school can get a bit foggy. The good thing is, however, is that creating a schedule for completing homework and and other assignments can and WILL make your work load a lot lighter. Grab a planner and get to work!