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Time is of the Essence

Writer: JhazzmynJhazzmyn

Updated: Jan 17, 2020

Being in college can be difficult when it comes to navigating all of the things going on around you. There are many things on your mind and plate from classes to social outings to extracurriculars. I often find myself wondering how to manage my time and how I'm going to make it through the week. Well, I have things that work for me that I will share with you. However, you have to find what works best for you.

One tip I will give is something I learned from a guest speaker in my health course. You should be studying at least 2 hours per week for each course hour that you take. For example, if you take 15 hours, you should be studying 30 hours a week. With this new information, I calculated the amount of time that I should be studying and I set an alarm each day before I start doing school work to track whether or not I am hitting that amount weekly. I would suggest calculating your hours and dividing it by the amount of days that you intend to study and then set a timer for that amount of hours per day. (Example: 30 hours a week divided by 5 days is 6 hours a day)

Another tip is to get a calendar or planner to keep track of the work that you have to do in a week and a month. Some people plan their schedules daily, some weekly, some monthly, and some do a combination of a couple or all of these. For me, I keep a huge calendar on my desk in my dorm, which allows me to see my schedule for the week and the month. I also keep stickies on my laptop so that I can see what I need to accomplish for the week and work toward that.

Also, try and work around the time that you are most alert. For example, if you're a morning person and function better in the morning, then try to work around that time. If you do best in the evenings, then try and work around that time.

Lastly, celebrate the small victories. Go get an ice cream cone, eat that bag of chips, take yourself out on the town, or watch tv. You won't always win, but when you do celebrate it. One of my favorite things to do is delete tasks off of my stickies on my laptop. I feel so accomplished afterward. It's on to take a break. Take care of yourself.



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