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Personal Reflections on an Odd 2020

Writer: JhazzmynJhazzmyn

2020 sounded like a beautiful year before it rolled in. It was to be a year of hope, possibility, and everything in between. However, 2020 has been odd and devastating, to say the least. We've seen so much surrounding social injustice, we've had wildfires, an extremely important election (and another to come), so many deaths and so much fear from Covid, and more. I know that this was not a year that we expected.

I brought in 2020 super excited because I was going into my last semester of college, I had a trip all booked for Bogota, Colombia, I had a spring break trip to Spain planned out with my family, and I just knew that the world was mine. While I did get to go to Bogota, and I am extremely glad that I had the opportunity, nothing else has gone as planned this year.

I never got to go to Spain. Covid got much worse in the U.S. the week I was due to go. I graduated, but I didn't get the pomp and circumstance that usually comes with it. I didn't get a full-time job like I had hoped. Then, with everything happening in the world, from black people being killed at the hands of law enforcement left and right to all the deaths (covid and non-covid related) I got really depressed and anxious. After sitting in a dark room and barely speaking to those around me for several weeks, I finally decided that I needed to speak with someone. So, I found a therapist and started going to therapy, which has been an emotional, but helpful experience. The experience helped me to see that, although I'm not where I'd like to be, I am moving in a direction. It also put into perspective that I'm not going through these tough times alone. Everyone is struggling in some way. People are dealing with isolation and feelings of loneliness, losing homes and jobs, losing loved ones, etc. It's not just me.

This situation, for all the pain it's caused, has also made me realize how much love and kindness is needed. There's so much strife, tension, division, and aggression in the world, which makes me want to be a light and spread love and joy wherever I go. Everyone could use love. I've been able to make connections with people I otherwise would not have had we not been forced to slow down. I've been able to dive into some of the things that used to bring me joy that I had no time to do, like working on my music or writing poetry. I've even had some of my poems published. I've been able to get more involved in politics by doing the postcard project and putting together PPEs for voters. I've even been able to spend more time with my dad.

Although not working full time, I've been in school, doing part-time work as a writing assistant, interning as a communication assistant, and a few other things. I'm grateful for all the things I've been able to do, the people I've been able to meet, and the experiences I've been able to have (even if they are mostly through Zoom). Maybe I am not where I imagined myself to be, but I'm so thankful for all that I have. I feel blessed and I am hopeful about what the future holds. So, going into 2021, I encourage you all to remain hopeful, safe and aware, and to spread love. I'm wishing great things on you and your loved ones. Just know that we're all in this together, and we have to work together.


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