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Mid-Semester Blues

Writer: Jada Young Jada Young

Updated: Jan 17, 2020

It seems like yesterday I was enjoying the last few moments of my 2019 summer break and preparing for the fall semester. Fast forward, now I am clustered with three online quizzes, two papers, and a few chapter summaries due in a week’s time. Constantly thinking to myself, “Where did the time go???”, a wave of overwhelming tenacity takes over me as I fall victim to my enemy, Anxiety who is accompanied by his friend, Depression. Endless frantic thoughts consume my mind, always attempting to find a solution to end the madness, but it doesn’t stop; at least for now it will not. Though it seems like the weight just won’t let up, I speak positively to the girl staring back at me in the mirror, “You don’t wallow away in the midst of a storm, you find shelter until it clears”. So, I do what I always do when these episodes appear: grab my journal, write a few words and then occupy my mind with things I enjoy like exercising, playing in makeup, and setting aside time to do absolutely nothing. You see, life is always going to throw lemons at you, but it is what you choose to do with those lemons that will make a difference. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to complete assignments, balance work and school while maintaining a social life, or even feel complete and whole during this hour of your life, look in the mirror and you will see the soul of a King or Queen who is so very special and can and WILL overcome every obstacle life plants on their path. The light may appear blue right now, but sunshine awaits the clearing of the storm.



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