We all have that one special gift that makes us unique and sets us apart from each other. It is distinct in its own right and defies our destinies to a very coordinated path according to its instructions. It could be a gift of teaching, song, artistry, business, speaking, cooking, or even playing sports. Whatever it may be, it will always reveal itself. Of the many talents one may posses, this particular gift will outweigh them all and bring forth feelings of satisfaction and contentment when it is being used. For example, I love cooking, creating jewelry, and taking care of my hair. Each of these things bring me joy, but I feel even more joyful when people ask me for advice and tips pertaining to these three hobbies and I am able to teach them something new. The gift of teaching always shines through everything I do, and I am sure everyone has that one gift that does the same.
Spending time with yourself is a great way to discover your gifts and give yourself room to grow as an individual. Think back to when you were a child and try to recall the interests you had back then. Maybe you admired the way cartoons were drawn and wanted to create one yourself, or were thrilled by the instruments of your favorite song and wanted to learn to play an instrument. You can still immerse yourself in the hobbies you wanted to take part in. Your gifts are waiting for you to take the first step since they are inside of you already. You just have to dig deeply and act upon it.
If you feel lost and unsure of what you're supposed to be doing, know that it is normal to feel that way. From the moment we are born up until age 30, we are in the mode of discovery. During this time, we are making mistakes, growing mentally and spiritually, finding our likes and dislikes. It's a process and shouldn't be rushed, even though it can feel over and underwhelming at times. Enjoy wherever you are on your journey right now. Your purpose will find you eventually.