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Vote Like Your Rights Depend On It (Because They Do)

Writer: JhazzmynJhazzmyn

This election is said to be one of the most crucial in American history. It's occurring in strange times, with us being in a pandemic and all, and it has been very intense. We've seen the first debate, we will be getting a new justice to replace late Justice Ginsburg, and a host of other things have occurred, and likely will occur leading up to November 3rd. It's so important to register, vote, and make our voices heard in this election.

Register to vote. I think every social media site has a space where you can register to vote, and it does not take long. Here's one link where you can get registered.

Vote. You may request an absentee ballot, or you can show up to the polls. Look up your state to see voting days. Early voting has already begun in many places. The Republican candidate is Donald J. Trump and he's running with Mike Pence as his VP nominee. The Democratic candidate is Joseph R. Biden and he's running with Kamala Harris as his VP nominee. There's also a Libertarian on the ticket, Jo Jorgensen, running with Spike Cohen as her VP nominee. However, don't forget that we are also voting for other members of congress, both nationally and locally. Congress members help to put laws in place, too. So, as important as it is to select a president that reflects American values, it's also important to elect other members you feel are going to represent well. In other words, be an educated voter and do your research on those running. That's just as important.

Get out there and vote! See you at the polls.


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