The last four years can be compared to a horror story, with 2020 being the climax. It is imperative that we show up to the polls and vote! Our voices have cried enough tears and our feet have marched enough in the fight for justice, peace, and equality. It is clear that the decision makers who are in office have no heart for people of color or human rights. Donald Trump and his policy makers have no regard for the iniquities and corruption this country has inflicted on the black community, so why keep them in office? Leaving them there says you have given up the fight for justice. Leaving them there tells them they can continue to get away with the wickedness they have done. Leaving them there buries our rights as individuals to demand change that will so greatly benefit non-conservative humans in the United States and future residents. We can turn this country around and implement new laws and policies that will defund the police, change gun regulations, and restructure spaces for people of color to exist without being penalized for existing.

Voter registration has ended in Georgia, but is still open for other states. Check online to see if your state is still allowing voter registration if you are not registered. Furthermore, early voting has begun and is a great option for individuals who want to get their vote out the way instead of waiting until election day, November 3, 2020. It is highly recommended to visit the polls early to avoid conflicts with ballot submissions.

Remember, we are not only voting for a president. We are voting to be represented in the House and Senate. We are voting for the head sheriffs of our local police departments and judges, so know who’s for you before you get to the polls.