Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well and that you're excited for college. I have curated an updated list of scholarships from an older list. Make sure to read all of the requirements and start planning to submit applications. Some of these scholarships have deadlines coming up soon. They are not in any order, so I recommend looking at all of them and writing down information for ones you qualify for. A lot of these will be Georgia (USA) based, but not all.
Fill out your FAFSA every October from your senior year of high school until the completion of college. Apply for scholarships and financial aid specific to your college. Sometimes, they will send awards based off of Merit in your acceptance letter. The earlier you get your applications in, you often will get priority. Make sure to read scholarship information carefully, some scholarships or applications require renewal.
If you must take out a loan, check the difference between subsidized and unsubsidized.
Check out corporations and organizations like McDonalds, Burger King, WalMart, etc. They tend to give away scholarships. Also, some of these places give their employees scholarships, such as UPS.
Check out organizations you’re a part of in school as well. For example, the National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS).
Oftentimes, high school alumni will give out scholarships, so check with your school’s advisor.
Sororities, fraternities, and other programs of that nature give out scholarships as well.
State funded scholarships/grants (for Georgia it would be Hope, Zell Miller, Pell Grant, etc.) check your eligibility for that
Go to college fairs. Occasionally, they give acceptances and scholarships on the spot.
GE Ronald Reagan Foundation Scholarship- Deadline: January 2020; Award: $40,000 ($10,000 per year, for four years); Requirements: U.S. Citizen, graduating high school senior, GPA: 3.0/4.0 scale, demonstrated financial need, demonstrated leadership/community service; Website: https://www.scholarsapply.org/ge-reagan/
Dell Scholars- Deadline: December 1st, 2020; Award: $20,000, a laptop and textbook credits; Requirements: U.S. Citizen, high school senior, GPA: 2.4, demonstrated financial need (see attached flyer); Website: http://www.dellscholars.org/scholarship/how-to-apply
Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship- Deadline: February 2020; Award: $28,000 ($7,500 per year for four years); Requirements: U.S. Citizen, Be a graduating high school senior; Show leadership potential; Demonstrate a dedication to community service; Present evidence of financial need; ACT: 21; Website: http://www.jackierobinson.org/apply/
Ron Brown Scholarship (for Black students) - Can submit August-January; https://www.ronbrown.org/section/apply/application-timeline
Coca Cola Scholars Foundation - Opens August 1st, 2020; https://www.coca-colascholarsfoundation.org/apply/
Wendy’s High School Heisman (for athletes) - Award: $500-$5,000; Opened in October of 2019, so check around that time this year. https://heismanscholarship.com
Delta Sigma Theta East Point/College Park - https://epcpdst.org/epcp-scholarship-program/
Look for a chapter near you if you’re not in Georgia
Brian Jordan Foundation- Deadline: April 30th, 2020; Award: $1250 per recipient for four years; http://www.brianjordanfoundation.com/scholarship-program.html
Rhodes Scholarship - Deadline: October 7th, 2020; https://www.rhodeshouse.ox.ac.uk/scholarships/the-rhodes-scholarship/
21st Century Scholars (participating colleges and universities in Indiana only) - https://learnmoreindiana.org/scholars/about/
Posse- Very competitive, and the agreement is that it’s a binding offer with whatever school you select through the program. Read up on this and have all the information, and check to see if they’re in your area. https://www.possefoundation.org
Greenhouse Scholars- legal residents of Colorado, Georgia, Illinois or North Carolina Opens September, 2020; https://greenhousescholars.org/our-scholars/become-a-scholar/
Choice Neighborhood scholarship- Deadline: April 6th, 2020; Choice Neighborhood
A list from U.S. News from 2018 - US News List
Adolphus Dixon Book Scholarship - Closes March every year; https://www.thejoinerfoundation.org/adbscholarship
Check websites like scholarships.com and Fastweb
College Students Only:
It is difficult to find scholarships online for students already in college, but I highly recommend checking with your institution frequently.
If you’re a part of sorority or fraternity, check with your organization. These orgs tend to give out plenty of scholarships. In addition, if you are a part of any clubs or organizations, check with them.
Check with your institution’s financial aid office and with your specific major/program.
Hattie Watson Book Scholarship; Closes December every year; https://www.thejoinerfoundation.org/hwbscholarship
Higher Foundation - Opens January 2021; Award - $1,000; Georgia students only; https://higherfoundation.org/scholarships/
The Chicago Engineers’ Foundation has put together a list of scholarships and other resources specific to engineers: https://www.chicagoengineersfoundation.org/awards/scholarship-resources
Undergrad and Grad - Deadline: June 26th, 2020; https://www.arrowexterminators.com/why-arrow/company/scholarship-contest
I hope this list helps! I put a lot of time into it. If anything is incorrect, or if you have questions, comments, concerns, or need help, please reach out at thejoinerfoundation@gmail.com.