We speak on loving other people a lot, but how often do we think and talk about loving ourselves? We wear so many hats, from being caregivers, students, parents, children, significant others, etc. It is extremely important to take care of ourselves because we can't be our best selves for others if we aren't our best for ourselves. Here are some ways in which I take care of myself, others have told me that they take care of themselves, or that I just suggest.
1. Find a hobby - Someone told me that they like to play cards online and board games because it relaxes them. I think it's important to find something that makes you happy and relaxes you in the midst of stressful times. In the past, I have painted, written, and gone for runs to relieve my stress.
2. Get rest - I know a lot of people who are overworked. It's so important to get 9 - or as close to 9 - hours of sleep. Doctors say that leaving a T.V. on can interrupt sleep. I have also been told that the bed should be associated with sleep, which means not doing homework or anything in the bed. Do your best to make sure that you get 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep and train your body/brain to associate the bed with sleeping and nothing else.
3. Eat foods that are beneficial to you/drink lots of water - Eating healthy can be a challenge in the world of fast food, but it's important to make sure that you're getting a sufficient amount of protein, vitamins, etc. Also, make sure to drink an adequate amount of water. This will keep you hydrated.
4. Balance - Balance is key. Make sure to be social and spend time with others, but also enjoy your alone time. Do what you have to do, but also do things that make you happy. This will ensure a balance in your life and that you will make time for yourself, which is very important.
5. Be Kind to You - Be patient with yourself. Celebrate the small victories. Say good things about yourself (i.e. I look good today. I was productive.). Some people write positive notes to themselves on stickie notes for them to see. This is a good way to remind yourself how amazing you are.
There are plenty of other ways in which you can take care of yourself and practice self love. Here are a few to get you started. I want to reiterate how important it is to make this a part of your routine. After all, how are you going to love someone else if you can't love yourself? Love yours.
